About AntiSocial Hosting

AntiSocial Hosting are a small business with over 25 years commercial experience working with the UK’s largest hosting organisations and enterprises to secure their online presence. Our team work tirelessly to ensure that every customer with AntiSocial Hosting is treated equally and with respect.
Our goal is to ensure that everyone can operate online without compromise in an easy to follow and efficient way and as such we work hard to protect our clients and ourselves, working within the rules and regulations of standard hosting practices, digital copyright and anti piracy measures.

Contact Us

If you would to talk to us about your hosting requirements, simply visit our website at https://www.antisocialhosting.com or using the links below.

Technical Support

If you need some technical support with your hosting service powered by AntiSocial Hosting, please log a ticket within your account at https://customer.antisocialhosting.com with a detailed description of your issue and one of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.